it's not what you know, it's who you know
well i've been here for a week now, and i must admit, it has been amazing already. my first day here joe and i built a dividing wall at los pinos church to make another classroom for the kids there. there are 5 classrooms now, and the church is growing everyday. i've still been getting odds and ends done around town, running errands and getting settled at the house. we went and looked at a piece of property on monday that a man named rueben wants to donate for a concrete house project to build from 20-30 concrete houses. the land is great for what we need, and there is another plot of land right next to it we can buy that is very nice as well. yesterday was a busy day, and is where i saw how a network can be such an advantage to ministry. we met with the first lady of honduras in the morning, Tim works with her dispatch, and she loves TORCH and IRC because we are working to make this country, and she very much wants to make this country a better place for the poor. she is going to help with the housing project, and she is also going to be helping IRC get a tattoo removal machine here. in honduras, if you are seen with a gang related tattoo, no questions asked, the police will take you to jail for a minimum of one year. so we are trying to get a rehabilitation program started so these guys can go out on the street without worrying about getting arrested or shot at by other gang members. the first lady is a great woman who cares very much about the people here. later yesterday we met with the head of transit for the national police of honduras about supplying a hospital solely for police and family members. we learned that there are only 348 police officers in tegucigalpa. that means for every one officer there are about 5,200 people. it is unbelievable how they can opperate with a staff that small. also, they are only paid 4,o0o limperas a month, a little over 200 american dollars. so the police can use our help, and by helping them, they will help us when needed, and it is a way to testify to these officers that we are coming in contact with. this morning, tim and i met with a member of the united nations working with unicef to talk with him about the tattoo removal machine. yet another connection for IRC to work with, and for God to give opportunities through. Tim left for the states today, he will be there for a little over 2 weeks. joe and i are hosting a devo tonight with some of the teachers from dalton and dillan's school, so i'm gonna go prepare for that. keep praying, and God will keep answering! God bless
You do indeed make a big sister proud and humble and inspired hungry for God! Truer words were never spoken about being blessed by the parents God chose for you...they've blessed so many of us in HUGE ways! Praise God for His faithfulness.
I will see you in 5 weeks my friend...WOOHOOOO!!! I love you.
Jen, at 6:49 PM
Nate...thanks for using a blog to share what you are doing. i'm loving reading it.
Mark, at 10:06 PM
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